How to Drive Efficiency with Automation and Workflow Tools

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The idea of improving business processes and workflows may seem like a daunting task, but the good news is that it doesn’t have to be. Which is a relief considering it plays a key role in digital transformation. By automating business processes and streamlining your team’s workflows, your business can say goodbye to wasted time and hello to efficiency. So, where do you start?

Planning is Key

Before you jump in, it’s important to plan and make sure the technology and setup is going to meet your desired outcomes. Below is a short checklist you can use to make sure you’re ticking all the boxes.

Checklist for optimising your business processes:

  • Understand the problem: Take the time to identify and understand the challenges your business is facing.
  • Identify a measurable impact: Know what you want to get out of the upgrade and set measurable goals.
  • Involve the right people: Choose an IT partner that takes the time to understand your business and has the right tools and expertise to meet your desired business outcomes.
  • Prepare and train your staff: Staff buy-in is extremely important when you’re changing internal processes. For example, at Area9 we help train our customers’ employees to ensure they understand new technology and can get the most value out of it.
  • Measure to see if you’ve fixed the problem: Successful project implementation isn’t the end! Measure the impact to make sure you’re hitting those goals we discussed earlier.

The Power of Automating and Digitising Your Processes

Paperwork is a pain point for business across the globe. Employee onboarding, contracts, leave requests, and bills generate a lot of admin time that could be better spent elsewhere. Software such as Nintex is used by more than 50% of Fortune 500 companies to automate and continually optimise business processes like these to accelerate digital transformation.

Automate decisions
According to the IDC, the average information worker spends 9 hours a week creating documents. By automating steps within these processes, your business can significantly cut this time back, allowing employees to direct their time elsewhere.

Simplify paperwork
By digitising paperwork, you reduce the need to chase people, print, and scan. Software like Nintex is compatible with a range of applications, such as Adobe Sign, and provides a screen that sits in front of other systems to simplify processes even further.

Remove paper wastage
On top of saving significant amounts of time, digitising paperwork moves you a step closer to your sustainability goals by reducing paper use. You might be pleasantly surprised by how much you save!

Creating Better Workflows
When it comes to digital transformation, work management matters. Without strategies and tools in place to organise and track tasks, your business is going to face an uphill battle. Poor workflows can result in limited visibility, serious productivity issues, bottlenecks, negative customer feedback, and poor staff morale. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

With a work management platform like JIRA, you can plan and track tasks in a way that boosts productivity and collaboration. Featuring a clear user interface that features different views, teams can work together faster and always know where tasks are at. You can read more about optimising work management in building better workflows article.

With the right combination of automation and workflow technology, your business can make significant improvements to efficiency, productivity, and collaboration. If you’d like to learn more, we’d love to hear from you. Get in touch with our experts to find out how you can speed up your processes and free up your teams today.
