Security Simplified Series: Firewalls

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Firewall server room


What are they?  
A firewall is a network security system designed to prevent unauthorised access to or from a private network. They can be implemented in both software and hardware form, or in some instances, a combination of both.  

Do you need them? 
In short, yes, if your business is connected to the internet you need firewall. Cyber security threats have never been more prevalent or sophisticated, and the perpetrators and entities behind them continue to develop new and innovative ways to compromise systems. Data breaches are costly in more ways than one – they can bring financial consequences, reputational damage and business downtime. If you have sensitive data and can’t afford to shutdown operations than you need firewalls.  

How do they reduce risk?  
Firewalls monitor and control incoming and outgoing network traffic that is based off predetermined security rules. Think of them as a barrier between something that is trusted and something that is not. They help to prevent unauthorised internet users from accessing private networks connected to the internet. Consider them the moat and wall to your castle.  

To learn more about firewalls, talk to an Area9 security expert today.  
