More storage capacity for our Cloud email service

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Have you noticed that you are consuming more and more email storage in order to keep pace with the demands of the digital world? Success in this information age is demanding that businesses keep more information than ever before. In fact some analysts suggest company’s use of storage is growing at up to 40% per year. Further research shows that by 2020, nearly 40% of the information in the digital universe will be stored in the cloud.

To help our customers address this increasing need,  Area9 offers a storage capacity for its Cloud email service of 5GB for each account at no additional cost.

If you are looking into adding Area9 Cloud Email service to your existing service or want to subscribe to it now, you can find more information about it on our website or simply contact us by email or call (08) 8984 2500.

Area9’s team of experts are here to help you with your IT systems to meet your business needs, so you can focus on what you do best. As always we value your business so don’t hesitate to tell us more about your existing service or future needs. 
