Area9 Appointed to South Australian Government eProjects Panel

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Tuesday 7th February 2023

Area9 appointed to the South Australian Government eProjects Panel

Area9 IT Solutions was today appointed as a service provider under the South Australian Government eProjects Panel arrangement. This panel enables South Australian Government agencies and departments to purchase project-oriented ICT services up to the value of $700,000 (inc GST) from Area9 and includes the following services:

  • System development/deployment
  • System integration
  • Professional project services
  • Other information and technology project

As a specialist application service provider Area9’s Entrprise Services team delivers digital engineering solutions using modern toolsets to deploy, automate and integrate business application systems. Area9 holds significant qualifications and certifications with leading software vendors including Atlassian and Microsoft.  

For further information contact: P: +61 8 89842500.
