Client descriptionType of industry: 4WD |
Established in 1992, Midcoast 4WD Centre pride themselves on delivering a one-stop shop experience for their passionate customer base. From servicing needs, registration inspections and suspension installation to 4WD accessories, canopies, and outback travel advice, Midcoast 4WD Centre work to provide the best possible service available.
Client needs
Midcoast 4WD Centre had been working with an aging server environment that was supporting the storage of sensitive customer information as well as front of house POS systems. Due to the legacy nature of the architecture, Midcoast 4WD Centre were beginning to experience performance issues as well as the very real risk of a security incident owing to a limited number of critical security patches being applied.
IT Solutions advised
Server Hardware, Storage & Compute, Cloud Connect, Office365 Migration, Backup & Disaster Recovery, Device Refresh.